Lee Evans Tournament of The Americas


There are two levels of Guest fees:

     1.  $75 -  Includes all activities on official  schedule, except competition bowling, one ticket to Award Banquet and  tournament bus or tournament hotel shuttle transportation between hotel and lanes.  Ages under 6 are free, however no banquet ticket. Official Tournament ID will be issued to these guests to be used for bus services.

     2.  $50 - Includes all activities on official  schedule and , except competition bowling, one ticket to Award Banquet; no tournament bus or tournament hotel shuttle transportation between hotel and lanes.  Ages under 6 are free, however no banquet ticket.

Guest fees may be mailed to us in form of check or money order in US Funds and made payable to "Bowling Tournaments of The Americas Association".  All checks or money orders must arrive by August 1st.  Payment in the Tournament Office will be accepted  in cash, travelers checks or credit card.  Payment by credit card will incur an extra 4% processing fee.

If additional guest names have the same surname, you may enter only first name in 2nd through 6th boxes.

Total Number of Guests you are registering    

Amount to be paid per guest (please check one)  $75 (with bus service)    $50 (no bus service)
Please fill out separate forms if levels of fees differ on guests below.

Name of Guest   
Give this persons address, email, etc, information below.

Additional Guest     If child give age 

Additional Guest     If child give age 

Additional Guest     If child give age 

Additional Guest     If child give age 

Additional Guest     If child give age 


City       State/Province 

Country       Postal Code 

Telephone (Daytime)       Fax 




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