Greater Miami International Rules


16th Annual

1. The Greater Miami International competition begins Sunday, May 3, 2003 and ends Saturday, May 10, 2003.

2. All competition for Regular Adult division will be on a scratch basis. All competition for senior division bowlers shall be on a handicapped basis. Bowlers in the senior division will receive a one point handicap per game, for each year of age above the age of 56 (Fifty-six), (e.g.-age 57 = 1 point per game; age 58 = 2 points per game.) The age of senior bowlers must be verified with tournament officials.

3. Winners in doubles and singles shall be determined by total pinfall. Winners of "all events" shall be determined by the stepladder finals – one game roll-off of top five players in stepladder format starting with zero scores (positions determined by "all events scores bowled during the week.

a. The term "all events shall include all games bowled in singles and doubles.

NOTE: Bowlers who cannot compete in an event due to their team’s incomplete representation will bowl at the same time the regular event is rolled. Every bowler will be assigned a lane so his or her score will count toward the number of games required for all events. For equal representation on the lanes, pacer will be provided when possible.4. In the event of a tie for 1st Place trophy position in doubles, singles and all events there will be a one game roll-off with the winner determined by total pinfall. Roll-off time will be chosen by the Tournament Director and/or the Tournament Coordinator.

5. Trophies will be awarded for singles, doubles and all events – in men’s and women’s Regular and Senior Divisions – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places if the division meets the minimum number of players. Duplicate trophies will be awarded to all members of doubles finishing among the top three places. The number of  Division trophies awarded will be dependent upon the number of entries.  Divisions must have a minimum of twelve (12) to bowl as a separate division. If there are less than twelve, all will bowl in available divisions, however the Highest All Events Score for player registered for a division short of bowlers, will be awarded All Events trophy for their entered division. 

6. High score awards will be given for the men’s and women’s divisions for highest set (3 games) and highest game score bowled during singles and/or doubles. Should any event be conducted in sets of more than three games, only the total score of the first three games or the total score of the second three games of any set will count toward high set honors.

NOTE: ABC/WIBC members are also eligible for their organization's award program.  Bowlers must request from the tournament office the needed forms and return them completed to have them submitted. 

7. Bowling balls may be checked at any time during the tournament at the discretion of Tournament Officials. (For compliance with weight and balance regulations as set forth by the Federation Internationale des Quillers.)

8. Participants are to report to Cloverleaf Lanes in time to start daily competition promptly. During Singles and Doubles competition, a bowler arriving late will be permitted to bowl with his or her score beginning with the frame being bowled when he or she is ready to bowl. Bowlers will NOT be permitted to make up missed frames or games. For All Events Stepladder Finals, participants must report 1/2 hour before scheduled start of competition. In the event that a bowler fails to report on time for stepladder finals, the bowler will be disqualified from competition and the alternate will bowl in the 5th position.

9. Entry fee will be $250.00 (U.S.) for bowlers, which includes all activities on Official Schedule of Events. Regular lane fees will apply during unscheduled practice sessions.

10. No food or drinks will be allowed in the bowlers' circle during participation in tournament competition. Smoking is not permitted in bowlers' circle.  Only competing bowlers, authorized scorekeepers and official tournament personnel are permitted in bowlers circle during competition.

11. Proper bowling attire should be worn during all competition. Please wear a bowling shirt with your name and country's name displayed prominently.

12. Bowlers will move one pair of lanes to the right in their division after three games of a six game block. Bowlers using the last pair for men's or women's division will move to the first pair of lanes in their respective division.

NOTE: An effort will be made to vary pairs of lanes for different sets as much as possible.

13. A bowler shall not be eligible to participate in the tournament if:

a. He or she identifies himself or herself as a professional.

b. His or her conduct is detrimental to the best interests of the Greater Miami International Bowling Tournament.

PLEASE NOTE: The  State of Florida law specifically states that no alcoholic beverages be served to any person under 21 years of age.  The tournament will not condone anyone  under legal drinking age to consume alcoholic beverages during the tournament.

14. Beginning with the second day of competition in any event, bowlers will be grouped, when possible, according to standings through the previous day of competition in that event.

15. Each bowler in singles, or team captain in doubles will be given a scoresheet at the beginning of each squad for the event scheduled during that squad.

a. Bowlers will keep their own score and fill in scoresheets. Bowlers are responsible to see that scoresheets are filled in completely, accurately and signed.

b. With automatic scoring, the computer score will be considered correct unless an obvious machine error is brought to the immediate attention of the tournament staff. Computer game score entries will be considered correct and official. Errors must be brought to the tournament officials attention as soon as occurs and in any rate no later than before the end of the day of bowling in which the error occurred.

16. The Greater Miami International generally operates in accordance with rules and guidelines issued by the American Bowling Congress, Womens' International Bowling Congress and the Federation Internationale des Quillers. This tournament obtains a Moral Support sanction from  ABC and WIBC. Nonmembers may participate in a Moral Support sanctioned tournament with award recognition automatically extended to WIBC and ABC members. Eligible non-members may qualify for WIBC-ABC award recognition at their option by paying a non-member fee set by WIBC-ABC for which the respective congress will issue an unattached membership card. This tournament is not WTBA sanctioned.

a. The Tournament Director or designated Tournament Official reserves the right to rule interpretation and all decisions. The settlement of any question, which may arise and/or is not covered in these rules will be left to the Tournament Director's discretion and shall be considered final unless an appeal is made in accordance with ABC/WIBC/FIQ rules.

b. Problems and questions of rule interpretation should be brought to the immediate attention of Tournament Officials as they occur.

c. ABC and WIBC members have right of appeal in accordance with applicable rules.

17. When competition begins, coaching will be permitted off the lanes as long as it does not interfere with the bowler being ready to bowl in turn.

18. No YABA member may play in Regular Division. Senior Division players must be age 50 or older on the first day of competition (men's or women's division).

19. Closing date for entries will be May 4, 2002 or as soon as squads are full, whichever occurs first. The tournament reserves the right to accept late entries or schedule additional squads.


Paulette Watson, Tournament Director 

Bowling Tournaments of the Americas Association
17601 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33169 U.S.A.
Telephone: (305) 652-4197 Fax: (305) 652-6011 or (954) 423 4081


Bowling Tournaments
of the Americas
17601 NW 2 Avenue
Miami, FL 33169 USA
Phone: 305-652-4197
Fax: 305-652-6011
E-mail: [email protected]