South Florida International
Entry Form for online submission

Please fill in appropriate information and press submit button at bottom of form to send to the Tournament Office for Entry.
A separate form is required for each bowler or guest.

Choose Entry Catagory:
Adult Male Bowler
Adult Female Bowler
Senior Male Bowler (50+ years of age as of the first day of the tournament schedule)
Senior Female Bowler (50+ years of age as of the first day of the tournament schedule)
Guest (non-bowler)

For Senior Bowler Entry : Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) 

United States Bowling Congress members, please fill in membership number:

Please fill in the country you are representing: 

Bowling Average: 

I will have a doubles partner - their name is:





Country:       Postal Code: 

Daytime Telephone (with area code and country code):

Evening Telephone (with area code and country code):

Fax (with area code and country code):


Entry Fees: $250.00(USD) per bowler; $150.00(USD) per guest.

Please choose payment method:
Cash/Travelers Checks  
Check   Checks must be drawn on USA bank in US funds, made payable to "Bowling Tournaments
                         of the Americas Association",and received in tournament office by April 15, 2003.

Credit Card   Credit card payments may incur 4% for processing fees 
                                   (Total fees charged to credit card will be $260 per bowler, $156 per guest).

For Credit Card payment: Please note that this is an unsecured transmission.
 We are always concerned in keeping your information secure.
 It may be sent securely by splitting the credit card information in two different submissions
(and your information will go separately to two different email addresses).
Simply fill in on this form only "Type of Card" and  "Expiration Date", then send
a separate
email directly to us after submitting this form, using the email button at bottom of screen,
which goes to a different email address,  giving us the information for  and "Number on Card"
"Name as appears on Card" ( a card cannot be processed without expiration date).

Fill in the following for Credit Card payment:

Type of Card:   If "other", please give type:
Expiration Date of Card: 

You may send the following information in a separate email if you wish.
(usebutton below form and send information as a separate email message):
Number on Card:
Name as appears on Card: 

Use thisbutton to send us additional credit card information or for questions.


Paulette Watson, Executive Director
Copyright © 2006 [Bowling Tournaments of The Americas Association]. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 31, 2006 .